Transportation Safety
The goal of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Transportation Safety Program (TSP) is to educate tribal members on the importance of motorist, bicycle, and pedestrian safety.

The Cheyenne and Arapaho Transportation Safety Program (TSP) educates tribal members on the importance of motorist, bicycle, and pedestrian safety, offering innovative, hands-on activities designed to combat distracted and or impaired driving, increase bicycle and pedestrian safety, and promote the use of seatbelts and child protection systems in an effort to save lives.
The purpose and mission of the Tribal Transportation Safety Program are to educate and empower tribal members with the knowledge they need to become better and safer drivers in and around the Cheyenne and Arapaho service area.
The Tribal Transportation Safety Program (TTSP) provides innovative, hands-on community-based activities to combat distracted driving and impaired driving, educate on bicycle and pedestrian safety, and improve seat belt and child restraint system used in the tribal service area. The TTSP office is located on the Concho Reserve in Concho, OK, and consists of the Safety Coordinator and the Administrative Assistant. TTSP services include Defensive Driving Courses, Alive at 25 Courses, Car Seat Safety Events, Informational Booths/Safety promotion at Pow Wows, other cultural events, schools, colleges, and tribal offices. The Tribal Transportation Safety Program has two certified distracted driving instructors. Certified child passenger safety technicians are also available to properly install car seats and the Roads Building is a permanent fitting station.
The main intent of the TTSP is to improve transportation safety among Tribal members and the general public within the Tribes’ reservation boundary with the help of BIA, other law enforcement agencies, Safe Kids Oklahoma, and other tribal programs with the same goals and intentions. The C&A TTSP also hopes to decrease the number of injuries and fatalities among the individuals served across the Tribes’ service area